I was elected to the Work's Council that we had in the shop, before they ever had a strike, before they ever had a union. And, so, consequently, I always felt that the government was already doing everything that, that what could be done for people, cause they had already gave us a raise, they had uh... elevated the, uh... we were elevated to a point where were, we knew machine repair, we knew dye-makers, we knew everybody.

And they were, by skilled trades, so, and then another thing too, also they had, in the shops, they had, uh, something the same as stewards. The same as they had, the only thing is is they didn't have no big politicians to do what the union is doing. And to me, I couldn't understand why we couldn't just get along just the way we were, cause Roosevelt had made everything like we wanted it. So, consequently the union came in and we had a strike, so that's the reason why I couldn't understand why, to me, why they had to have a strike

Show Transcript Speaker: Paul%20Loisell. Interviewed by U-M Flint Labor History Project. Date of interview: 7-17-1978. Edited by Michael Van Dyke.

Copyright: ©2002 Michigan State University.