Another thing that didn't have, that we had: if we went into work in the morning and started, we rung in our cards and went out on the floor and something broke down and tied up the floor, we didn't come home. (Really?) The boss sent us to this, to the uh, sent us to the dinning room and set down until he needed you. But before you went up to set down you went back and rung out your clock card and you didn't get no pay if he kept you there three hours or whatever it was, you didn't get a nickel.

(Wow) But they kept you on the job because they said so, see, we had no say, and if you don't like it, well get out. That's the orders we had. We had to set there until, until they called us back down. If it was a half a day, it was all the same. Now, now we go in, these guys, at six o'clock in the morning, if they go in at six and if something broke down and they can't go to work they turn right around and come back home and they gotta pay 'em full hours for comin' in. That's what we won, that's one thing [inaudible].

Show Transcript Speaker: Leo%20Robinson. Interviewed by U-M Flint Labor History Project. Date of interview: 7-13-1978. Edited by Michael Van Dyke.

Copyright: ©2002 Michigan State University.