One thing that, big change in the strike was the low cost jobs came up almost to the hight class jobs. For example, like myself, I was in the C.V. department, see? Well, I was the highest paid job in the department at the time, so these lower paid jobs, after the strike, they brought it up to it, or pretty close to it. So it began to equalize?

Yeah, becaues you could bump shoulders with each other, and uh... but there was different prices per job, regardless what, you're still on the line, you're still working as hard as the guy but uh... the price is different. Umm hmm.

Show Transcript Speaker: Andrew%20Olay. Interviewed by U-M Flint Labor History Project. Date of interview: 2-28-1980. Edited by Michael Van Dyke.

Copyright: ©2002 Michigan State University.