Only one time, and this was shortly before the strike uh... well, it was probably about nineteen-thirty-five, two years before the strike, we got word some way- I don't remember right now what the way was, but there was a Pinkerton man working in our shop and the word got around that he was in there, and people would point to a fellow that was known as Frenchy Le Duck. LeDuc, or Lee Duck, L E D U C- as being a Pinkerton man, whether or not he wasn't, I do know this; that about the time the strike started, Frenchy never showed up around there anymore, I never seen him after the strike started.

Whether he was that meant, aside from that, when your speaking about spies, the automobile buisiness is like any other competitive buisness. There are always a certain number of men who would gladly run to the boss and tell them everything they knew.

These people and uh... while most of us, I know myself in particular and I knew a lot of other fellows, had no particular love for that kind of a person and no respect for him whatsoever. It was a case of necessity, you had to listen to them, because if you didn't listen to them they would go and tell your boss, so it was a case of uh... survival that you had to listen to these [inaudible] and do something about whatever they told you.

But there was, these people were in the minority, but they were spies the same as they... there are now. This hasn't stopped because of the union has uh... ever taken over, this never stopped that, but this was one of the best sources of information, that I know that the company could have ever gotten, rather than any outside influence that they sent in.

Show Transcript Speaker: Floyd%20Root. Interviewed by U-M Flint Labor History Project. Date of interview: 6-4-1978. Edited by Michael Van Dyke.

Copyright: ©2002 Michigan State University.